Friday, April 30, 2010

So You Want To Play In a Band Part 12

Ok, as a band we are playing regularly. Each performance as a horn section we are choreographing a few movements to add a little flash.

I think it’s important for the band to look like its having as much fun as the people we are playing for. If the dance floor is a little slow, I have been known to go out and try to shake it up with sax in hand and normally on a vamp of no more then 8 or 9 notes. Just having fun, looking like I am playing off the cuff. The truth is I am having the time of my life. The only thing better than being at a New Years Eve Party, is playing one.

I have included a couple clips. Check out the horn movement

The horn sections in bands like Earth Wind and Fire, Ohio Players, or even K.C. and the Sunshine Band make it look so effortless. I watch those players in amazement. Jerry once tried the trumpet spin only to send his tuning slide flying.

In addition to learning some choreographed moves, the band is always adding songs to our repertoire. This week's additions are "Mack the Knife", "Take me to the River", "Pink Cadillac", and Marvin Gaye's "Whats Going On?". Quite the diverse spread of styles.
"Whats Going On?" will require some work on a soprano sax. That saxophone has a unique quality to its tone. I have found when playing a soprano, intonation is always a challenge. I have found the quality and abilities of my band mates require that I strive to improve and become more versatile.

This coming week will be the start of a one month stint at the Wild Pony in Traverse City playing every Friday night.

Hope to see you there.

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