Sunday, February 17, 2013

So You Want to be in a Band Part 33


The last time BlueShadow played  "bumper" music for the Northern Starlets was the last time.  The founder of the Troupe still needed music to entertain the crowd between acts.  I proposed a jazz quartet made up of Keyboards, Drums, Bass and Sax.  I knew who the Sax player would be as for the rest I would ask around.  For a drummer I asked Fred of BlueShadow and Pete for the Keyboardist also of the current Blueshadow Band.   Dave North formally of Blueshadow was also available.  Dave and Pete were two guys that I  had played some jazz. Which really raised my comfort level with this endeavor. I went back to Roxa with the good news she was very pleased, as was I, that Pete agreed to play in the Quartet. 


The un-named quartet met for 2 practices that went surprisingly well We quickly went through 8 songs ( the number we were asked to play). Encouraged I added a few more songs thinking you cant have too many. Remember that last statement. By the end of the second practice I felt like we were in control of the situation.  First change, one of the Starlets would like to Sing with the Quartet.  I suggested Summer Time everyone knows that tune and  the changes are relatively simple.  Scarlet (stage name) would be joining us on that tune.  I called her we agreed on the key and would  run through it before dress rehearsal.  All was progressing toward Feb 9th.

In the mean time I talked with the coordinator at the venue and secured a short gig for BlueShadow as the after Mardi Gras party band.  It was only 2 hrs but it would give the owner a chance to see/ hear us as a dance band.  He ageed to pay us for half a gig.

Dress rehearsal had only 2 of the quartet available.  Dave on bass me on tenor we worked thru the practice taking lots of notes and working out the timing of playing between acts.

Mardi Gras show was ready to go.  Some last minute discussions with Pete, Dave and Fred.  We were also ready to go.

We opened with Girl From Impenema and followed with Basin Street Blues. When we finished the stage manager poked his head out and announced that the Band will be playing another number. It was a good  idea to have extra songs.  The show progressed we played tunes as planned plus a few extra when more time was needed.  By Intermission we had no more extra songs.  We needed more tunes.   So we had to repeat a few of them.  We tried to change up the style hoping no one would notice.

All in all it went OK, not great, but not bad.

The After Party with BlueShadow

BlueShadow took the Stage, with a fill in guitarist, working as quickly as could to setup (not to lose the crowd).  We kicked off the first set and never looked back.  Jeff the guitarist played the opening lick of Don't Dream Its Over just beautifully.  He continued to impress through-out the performance. When he asked if it would be OK if he came to our next practice we didn't hesitate to take him on.


This weekend Dave asked if I would be interested

 in playing at a Chili Cook-off.  I told I  would but we would need a different drummer (Fred had a prior commitment and Pete was not availiable for keyboards).  I would look into it to see what I could come up with.

Looking for keyboardist on short notice was not happening.  I did call Jerry Endres, a drummer that at one time played for the BlueShadow Band, he said he was interested in playing.  So with no practice we showed up at the Gig.

Since it was Dave Norths gig he selected the tunes, from a list I gave him.  He called them out and we played them for 2 1/2 hrs.  It went very well.  Of course there was a few hitches--- Dave is a free spirit and when he is soloing on one of the tunes, Jerry and I found ourselves looking at each other wondering where we were going.  Dave is a great bass player and worked his way out of mysterious chords and we kept on going, and Slow Boat to China almost didn't out of the dock.  Jerry just kept moving the tempo up until we got it right.

We had a  guest singer that performed Summer Time (no surprise there)

She really was good

All in all a good afternoon---the chili was very tasty

Sunday, February 10, 2013

So You Want to be in a Band Part 32


In a band that's been around for almost 5 years (2008-2013). Your going to have changes in personnel.
There will be  conflicts of time, enthusiasm, other bands, or personalities.  BlueShadow has had them all.

Here is the current tally.

5 guitarist
4 drummers
3 vocalist
2 bass players
2 keyboard players

Maybe its because over the years we have practice every week and the commitment is just to much. It can be difficult to have 8 creative people trying to create music.

Most leave under amicable circumstances..... some not.  I really try not to burn bridges if at all possible- you never know when you will need someone to fill in.

In saying that I am sorry to say that A.J. is no longer with Band (amicable separation).  A great guitarist and a very knowledgeable musician he will be missed.

So can a band that plays 60's 70's and 80's rock play a gig with no guitarist ? We were about to find out.

Dec.29 at Streeters ( a local club)

1 hr. before we were supposed to start we get a call ---there will be no guitar player.

Lets not Panic!

First thing a couple of  tunes were cut.  Then on the strength of Jerry's on stage "Real Time" direction,  Pete's talent on keyboard (creating solo licks to covering guitar part) and Angie's voice and on stage presence the gig was pulled off to an enthusiastic crowd. It wasn't easy but can be done.

                                                           DEC 29th  at Streeters